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WG Academy Success Stories - Megan Barber

WG Academy Success Stories - Megan Barber

Megan Barber
Residential Conveyancing Paralegal

  • Joined Warner Goodman: July 2017
  • Course: CILEx Level 6 diploma through Cilex Law School


My Journey so far...

"My journey with the WG Academy started through helpful discussions with senior staff who had previously completed the programme. Inspired by their encouragement and positivity, I sought guidance from my department manager in preparing my enrollment application, leading to a swift acceptance.

Driven by the goal of gaining the knowledge to efficiently manage my caseload and become an integral part of the Residential Conveyancing team, I was confident that WG Academy would pave the way for my success.

Entering Warner Goodman without a legal background, the Academy's sponsorship facilitated my completion of a Level 6 qualification. The programme not only provided essential guidance but also crucial support, proving instrumental in kickstarting my career.

A key highlight of my time with the Academy was the combination of firsthand job experience while completing the course. While balancing work and education presented challenges, the unwavering support from the Warner Goodman team, coupled with study days, proved invaluable. The team's encouragement also fueled my momentum, allowing me to persevere when times were tough. 

Overall, I have found it to be a challenging yet profoundly rewarding journey, and one I wholeheartedly recommend to others. The programme enabled me to explore diverse legal areas, ultimately helping me identify which area of law I wanted to specialise in.

Proud of my accomplishments and the knowledge gained during my studies, I credit Warner Goodman for my career progress. Without the Academy's support, I wouldn't be in my current position. The unwavering backing from the Firm empowered me to achieve what, without the programme, would have been an unattainable feat."

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