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WG Academy Success Stories - Alexandra Stosiek

WG Academy Success Stories - Alexandra Stosiek

Alexandra Stosiek
Commercial Property Paralegal

  • Joined Warner Goodman: January 2017
  • Course: CILEX Level 6 Diploma in Law and Practice through Brightlink Learning


My Journey so far...

"When I joined the WG Academy journey, I only had a passion for a legal career and no prior legal background. The invitation to join the Academy was a moment of pride, as my department head and senior staff recognised my dedication and enthusiasm and expressed their support for my personal development.

I undertook the Level 3 Certificate and Professional Diploma, which I quickly completed. The Academy continued to support my career by sponsoring me again to complete the CILEX Level 6 Diploma in Law and Practice through Brightlink Learning.

The Academy has helped me push toward my goal of becoming a Chartered Legal Executive and an integral part of the Commercial Property team at Warner Goodman. My tenure with Warner Goodman and participation in the Academy has allowed me to build upon my knowledge and experience while employed. The insights gained in conveyancing, land law, and contract law have proven indispensable in my daily responsibilities.

Balancing work and education initially posed a challenge, but the firm went above and beyond to establish a healthy balance. The unwavering support from my team and department managers has produced a mutually beneficial routine for both my personal growth and professional responsibilities.

While returning to education initially felt daunting, this experience has been remarkably enjoyable and has encouraged a sense of investment in achieving my aspirations. Despite not considering myself academically inclined in school, I now find the pursuit of my dreams in law deeply fulfilling.

I never envisioned reaching the point where I am today. I didn't consider law after leaving school, but now, I couldn't imagine pursuing any other path. Perceptions about working in law often revolve around preconceived notions regarding the required personality and qualifications, but this simply isn't true. There are numerous routes into a legal career, and I genuinely love working in this dynamic and versatile environment.

These last couple of years have been a whirlwind with new and exciting challenges, the opportunity to increase my knowledge and a vast amount of personal development. I wholeheartedly recommend this journey to anyone contemplating a career in law. It demands hard work, but with determination, it can be one of the most rewarding careers."

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