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BOOK ONTO OUR WAITLIST - Mock Tribunal with 3PB Barristers

Have you ever wondered what happens inside an Employment Tribunal? We think it's essential for businesses to know what to expect should an employee claim against them. Hopefully, this will never happen to your business, but it's always a good idea to be prepared and know what to expect.

This is why our employment team is teaming up with the barristers from the Chambers of 3PB to host a live mock Tribunal. The event will demonstrate what goes on inside the Tribunal, including witness cross-examination and how legal arguments are presented at a hearing. We will also provide helpful advice on how best to prepare for a Tribunal and tips for achieving a winning outcome!

This event will take place in the Ageas Suite at The Ageas Bowl Stadium, Botley Road, West End, Hampshire, SO30 3XH

This event is free and open for any business to attend. Please reserve your seat by clicking the 'register' button. For more information, please contact our employment team on 02380 717446 or email events@warnergoodman.co.uk.