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HR Hangout - Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion at Work

In January’s HR Hangout we are going to discuss Trans and non-binary inclusion at work and will look at: What the terminology and abbreviations connected with this area actually mean, whether gender critical beliefs are protected in UK law, What we know and predict about changes to the law in the future, best practice in this area and where to get started.  The session will, like all of our HR Hangouts, be a mixture of a presentation from us and a facilitated group session so that you can understand what others are doing in this area and share your own ideas.

Price: £35.00 + VAT

Purchase a HR Hangout Pass for a discount on these events. Passes will allow you to join four HR Hangout sessions a year for a discounted price of £120 + VAT. (That's a £20.00 saving!)

Once you've registered for this event, someone from our Peace of Mind team will be in touch to confirm your place and take payment.